Al-Khalil Journals publishes constructive reviews of recently published books according to the following terms:

    • The book subject has to be relevant to the themes of the Journal.
    • The book should be exemplary contributing a qualitative addition to its  relevant field of knowledge.
    • The book review should contain the following information: full title of the book, year of publication, the publisher, place of publication, number of pages and volume of the book,  the author(s): name(s), academic title, affiliation, email address and academic contributions.
    • The reviewer’s: name, academic title, affiliation and email.
    • An analytical review of the book, not exceeding 1500 words written in appropriate language and style, word processed, font type: Times New Roman, font size 12, pertaining to the following points: aspects of excellence in the book and aspects of weakness, presentation of ideas and information, methodology, style, recommendations for improvement of writing in that particular field.

Any book review not fulfilling the above requirements will be ignored.