Research papers must be written as per the following terms and conditions 

Firstly: intellectual rights and responsibility:

      • The author should bear complete responsibility for his/her research paper in terms of honesty, scientific accuracy and respect of intellectual property rights and rules.
      • The author must not have previously published or submitted for publication to another publishing body. The author undertakes not submitting the same research to any other body without written consent of the al-Khalil Center.

Secondly: General characteristics of a research paper:

      • The research must be original, comprehensive and new in its thoughts and opinions.
      • The research must have followed relevant research methodology used in humanities.
      • The author should bear complete responsibility for his/her research regarding linguistic accuracy- being free from spelling and language errors- stylistic discrepancies, and typographical and numbering errors. A research with excessive errors and mistakes will not be considered for publishing.
      • The author must follow scientific methodology for documentation of his research regarding referencing, bibliography and sources, as explained below.

Thirdly: Technical Aspects, Preparation and Organization of the Content:

      • The research paper must be word processed, with double spacing between lines. The research must not be less than five thousand (5000) words, nor more than nine thousand (9000) words. Font, size:  12, type: Times new roman.
      • The research paper must be organized as follows:
      • Title of the Research Paper
      • Name of the author(s): in both Arabic and English, email address, affiliation, academic rank
      • Abstract of the Research Paper: In both Arabic and English, not exceeding two hundred (200) words in each language. The abstract should include: the basic theme of the research, the main objective, methodology, main finding, and the most important recommendations.
      • Keywords Used in the Research: five keywords in Arabic after the Arabic abstract and five keywords in English after the English abstract.
      • Introduction: The introduction usually comprises of 500 to 700 words of one or more paragraphs leading to the main article. It covers: the main theme, subject of the research, the research problem, the research question(s), the objective(s), the research methodology.
      • The research boy.
      • The Conclusion: The conclusion can comprise: summaries of what the researcher might have arrived at, recommendations and suggestions. The conclusion must not be drafted as serial numbered points, but as paragraphs.
      • References and bibliography: should be prepared according to the APA Style (Version: 7).
      • Appendixes:

Page numbering of the research paper must be inscribed in the bottom middle position of the pages.