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الكلمات المفتاحية:
الأدب الرّقمي في سلطنة عُمان: الشعر أنموذجًا
د. علي بن حمد الفارسي
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أصبح الأدب الرقمیّ فی العالم والوطن العربی الیوم واقعًا یفرض نفسه بوصفه نوعًا جدیدًا من مظاهر الممارسة الإبداعیّة، یستعین بالتقنیة المتاحة ویوظفها بعنایة لتحقیق أقصى درجات التعبیر وإحداث الأثر الجمالی المرغوب لدى المتلقی.ولم تکن سلطنة عُمان یومًا بمنأى عن هذه التطورات الفنیة، لاسیما فی مجال الشعر؛ فقد اعتنت هذه الدراسة بضبط المصطلحات المتعلقة بهذه الظاهرة الأدبیة الجدیدة، وانطلقت فی وصف هذه التجربة الجدیدة فی السلطنة من طریق مفهوم واضح للأدب الرقمی من وجهة نظر الباحث، کما تضمن البحث قراءة مسحیّة لواقع الأدب الرقمی فی عُمان عمومًا، ثم حاول البحث أن یتقدم أکثر فی وصف تجربة الأدب الرقمی وتحلیلها باختیار نماذج متنوعة من تجارب الشعراء العُمانیین.
علما أنّ الأدب الرقمی أدب تفاعلیٌّ یسمح للناقد بقراءة المنظومة الثلاثیة الشهیرة فی مسیرة النقد الأدبیّ: المؤلف/المبدع – النص – المتلقی/فی الأدب الرقمی (المتابع:Follower) فی الوقت نفسه، إذ یکتب المؤلف/المبدع النص فی تغریدة بتویتر أو منشور بفیسبوک، وینتظر استجابة المتابعین/المتلقین، ثم یتفاعل مع تعلیقاتهم حسب قیمة التعلیق من الناحیة الفنیة أو غیرها.
إنّ هذه المنظومة الثلاثیّة: المؤلف/المبدع – النص – المتلقی/المتابع، قد تحققت فی الأدب الرقمیّ بالسلطنة، إذ وجدنا نصوصًا کثیرةً قامت بشأنها حوارات نقدیّة واسعة، فی قضایا کانت وما زالت مثار جدل فی النظریة النقدیة العربیة.
من هنا، کان هدف الدراسة تجرید المصطلح وضبط مفهوم الأدب الرقمی، ثم وصف واقعه، وعرض نماذج متنوعة ومتمیّزة فی التجربة الشعریّة العُمانیّة (وقد حرص البحث على اختیار حسابات لشعراء لدیهم وعی کافٍ بمفهوم التفاعلیّة وتحقیقها، بحیث یتابع المبدع آراء المتابعین فی نصِّه ویستجیب لتوضیحاتهم ویتفاعل معها بالتفنید أو التأیید أو بیان وجهة النظر. واستبعد البحث الحسابات التی تقوم على الإرسال فقط دون الاستقبال، أو التی لا تتفاعل مع الآراء المختلفة على النمط التقلیدی القدیم)، ثم حاولنا بیان کیفیة توظیف التقنیة فی إحداث الأثر الجمالی لدى المتابعین، ثم تحلیل الآراء النقدیة واستجلاء الطبیعة التفاعلیّة التی وقعت بین المتابع والمبدع فی النص.
أما المنهج الذی یستعین به هذا البحث لتحقیق أهدافه فهو المنهج الوصفی، کما یستعین -أیضًا- بالمنهج التحلیلیّ لسبر أغوار الطبیعة التفاعلیّة التی یقوم علیها الأدب الرقمیّ فی التجربة الشعریّة العُمانیّة، فی مدة زمنیة محددة بین عامی 2016-2017، وهی فترة تمثل مرحلة من مراحل البدایات فی تشکل هذه الممارسة الإبداعیة والوعی بها.
أما عن الدراسات السابقة لهذا البحث، فتوجد مجموعة من الأبحاث والدراسات التی سعت إلى وصف تجربة الأدب الرقمی فی عدد من البلدان العربیة، من أهمها وقائع المؤتمر الدولی للغة العربیة والنص الأدبی على الشبکة العالمیة من 14-16 فبرایر 2017 بجامعة الملک خالد بالمملکة العربیة السعودیة، وغیرها من الدراسات القریبة من موضوع البحث.
وقد توصل البحث إلى نتائج تُسهم فی تطویر النظریّة النقدیّة العربیّة وتغیّر الانطباعات العشوائیّة والتصورات الغامضة لدى بعض النّقّاد العرب عن طبیعة الأدب الرقمیّ الذی یوصف بأنه أدب غیر رسمی فی بعض الأحیان، فالنصوص الشعریّة التی تنشر فی وسائل التواصل الاجتماعی بالسلطنة تکتب بلغة عربیة سلیمة غالبًا، مع مراعاة للضبط النحویّ والسلامة اللغویّة، کما أن أدباء المؤسسة الأدبیة الثقافیة التقلیدیّة هم نفسهم من یتصدرون المشهد الثقافی فی وسائل التواصل الاجتماعی، کما رأینا حضورًا بارزًا لنقاد وأکادیمیین فی هذا الفضاء الإلکترونی بالمشارکة والتعلیق تارةً، وإظهار الإعجاب والتدویر تارةً أخرى؛ مما یوحی باعتراف واسع وقبول واضح من لدن المؤسسة الرسمیّة، کما نوقشت قضایا نقدیة تعد من القضایا الرئیسة فی النظریة النقدیة العربیة، قضایا تتعلق بعلاقة النص الشعری بالمقدس، وقضیة الشعر العمودی (المتوازی)، والتفعیلة وقصیدة النثر، وقضایا التناص والإیقاع ... وغیرها.
وهناک نتائج أخرى تتعلق بالتجربة العمانیة خصوصًا، فقد وظفت التجربة الشعریة العمانیّة التقنیة بجمیع أشکالها، واستفادت من وسائل التواصل الاجتماعی فی النشر وإحداث الأثر الجمالی لدى المتلقی/المتابع، ولم تکن بمعزل فی هذه التطورات المهمة عن التجربة العربیة، وتبین أن کثیرًا من الشعراء العمانیّین، یُدرکون مفهوم "التفاعلیّة"؛ لذلک یحرص جلهم على الرد على التعلیقات التی ارتبطت بنصوصهم المنشورة وإظهار التفاعل معها.
الكلمات المفتاحية: الأدب الرقمی، الأدب الرقمی فی عمان، التفاعلیّة.
The Digital Literature has become a common phenomenon around the world and in the Arab world as well. It has become a new way of creativity. It relies heavily on the new technology to achieve a maximum degree of expression and to create a desired good impression on the receiver.
Sultanate of Oman is not far away from the technical development especially in the field of technology. Hence, this study takes deals with the terminology linked to this genre. As such it offers opportunity for the researcher to describe this new experience with a clear definition of the digital Literature (as noticed by the researcher himself).
This research has its own reading to the digital Literature in its essential meaning. It moves forward by describing the digital Literature in simple terms and by analyzing it with various examples of Omani poets.
Taking into account the fact that the digital Literature is an interactive literature, in which the critic has the permission to read the famous trilogy: the author, the text and the receiver. At the same time, when the author tweets on Twitter or post on Facebook, he waits for the reaction of the followers or the receivers. Then, he interacts with them according to the value of the comments.
Thus, this famous trilogy: the author, the content/text, and the follower (receiver) have been actualized in the digital Literature in Oman. In fact, we have found that many texts have been widely discussed.
The main aim of this study is to neutralize the term and define the digital Literature; then describe its reality and shows the distinctive examples of the Omani poetic experiences. We have paid attention to this point. We have chosen some poets' accounts, who are aware enough of the definition of the interactivity and its realization. Needless to say that the author follows the opinions of his followers about his texts, clarifies issues, interacts with them, criticizing or supporting or giving his opinion. We have ignored the accounts that do not interact with the readers. We have tried to explain how to use the technology to create a good impression among the followers. We have analyzed different points of view. We have highlighted the interactive nature between the author and the reader about the text.
The research paper relies heavily on the Descriptive Methodology to achieve its goals. It relies also on the Analytical Methodology to determine the interactive nature, which the Omani digital Literature relies on, in a limited period of time between 2016 and 2017. This period represents the beginning of this new creative experience and the related awareness.
The research paper helps in somewhat to develop the Arabic critical theory. It also helps to change the marginal impressions and the false assumptions of some Arab critics about the nature of the digital Literature, which is always described as informal.
The poems, posted on the social media in Oman are almost written in a formal Arabic language, taking into account the correctness of grammar and vocabulary.
We notice that the novelists of the traditional cultural establishment mark their presence in social media. We also notice an outstanding presence of the academics and the critics in this electronic field through participating, commenting sometimes and liking and sharing sometimes. It is clear that the official establishment has accepted this kind of Literature. In fact, many critical issues have been discussed like the relationship between the poetic text and the holiness, the theme of free poetry, interactionism and poems and the theme of intertextuality, the rhythm…
It is clear enough that the Omani poetic experience has benefited a lot from social media in publishing and has made use of this technology in all its forms .It is not away from the important developments of the Arabic experience.
We notice that many Omani poets know the definition of 'interactionism' that's why most of them are keen to make comments about their texts and show their interaction
Keywords: digital Literature, digital literature in Oman, interactionism
Sultanate of Oman is not far away from the technical development especially in the field of technology. Hence, this study takes deals with the terminology linked to this genre. As such it offers opportunity for the researcher to describe this new experience with a clear definition of the digital Literature (as noticed by the researcher himself).
This research has its own reading to the digital Literature in its essential meaning. It moves forward by describing the digital Literature in simple terms and by analyzing it with various examples of Omani poets.
Taking into account the fact that the digital Literature is an interactive literature, in which the critic has the permission to read the famous trilogy: the author, the text and the receiver. At the same time, when the author tweets on Twitter or post on Facebook, he waits for the reaction of the followers or the receivers. Then, he interacts with them according to the value of the comments.
Thus, this famous trilogy: the author, the content/text, and the follower (receiver) have been actualized in the digital Literature in Oman. In fact, we have found that many texts have been widely discussed.
The main aim of this study is to neutralize the term and define the digital Literature; then describe its reality and shows the distinctive examples of the Omani poetic experiences. We have paid attention to this point. We have chosen some poets' accounts, who are aware enough of the definition of the interactivity and its realization. Needless to say that the author follows the opinions of his followers about his texts, clarifies issues, interacts with them, criticizing or supporting or giving his opinion. We have ignored the accounts that do not interact with the readers. We have tried to explain how to use the technology to create a good impression among the followers. We have analyzed different points of view. We have highlighted the interactive nature between the author and the reader about the text.
The research paper relies heavily on the Descriptive Methodology to achieve its goals. It relies also on the Analytical Methodology to determine the interactive nature, which the Omani digital Literature relies on, in a limited period of time between 2016 and 2017. This period represents the beginning of this new creative experience and the related awareness.
The research paper helps in somewhat to develop the Arabic critical theory. It also helps to change the marginal impressions and the false assumptions of some Arab critics about the nature of the digital Literature, which is always described as informal.
The poems, posted on the social media in Oman are almost written in a formal Arabic language, taking into account the correctness of grammar and vocabulary.
We notice that the novelists of the traditional cultural establishment mark their presence in social media. We also notice an outstanding presence of the academics and the critics in this electronic field through participating, commenting sometimes and liking and sharing sometimes. It is clear that the official establishment has accepted this kind of Literature. In fact, many critical issues have been discussed like the relationship between the poetic text and the holiness, the theme of free poetry, interactionism and poems and the theme of intertextuality, the rhythm…
It is clear enough that the Omani poetic experience has benefited a lot from social media in publishing and has made use of this technology in all its forms .It is not away from the important developments of the Arabic experience.
We notice that many Omani poets know the definition of 'interactionism' that's why most of them are keen to make comments about their texts and show their interaction
Keywords: digital Literature, digital literature in Oman, interactionism
التأثیر في المخاطَب (مشهد وعظ لقمان في القرآن الکریم) أنموذجًا
د. منى بنت سالم الجابرية
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یُعنى هذا البحث بدراسة تأثیر الخطاب القرآنی فی المخاطَب من الناحیتین: النفسیة الوجدانیة، والفکریة الإقناعیة، وذلک من طریق مشهد وعظ لقمان لابنه.وهو یتناول هذا المشهد من زاویتین: تتمثل الزاویة الأولى فی النظر إلى المشهد من جهة عرضه على متلقی القرآن على اعتبار أن المخاطِب هو الله U والمخاطَب هو متلقی القرآن؛ لتبین جوانب تأثیر الأسلوب الذی صُوِّر به المشهد وطریقة تقدیمه فی التأثیر على المخاطَب، أما الزاویة الثانیة فتتمثل فی تأمل الخطاب داخل المشهد؛ باعتبار أن الخطاب صادر من لقمان وموجه لابنه؛ وذلک لتبین مدى تأثیر الخطاب الذی وجهه لقمان فی وعظه على ابنه، وأسلوبه فی التأثیر علیه وإقناعه.
الكلمات المفتاحية: لقمان، التأثیر، المخاطَب، وعظ، الإقناع.
This research deals with the study of the impact of Quranic discourse on the addressee from two aspects:
First: the psychological and emotional aspect
Second: the intellectual and persuasive aspect
This is done through scenes of admonition from the wise man Luqman to his son.
This research also deals with the conversational scene from two sides.
First: the method in which the admonition scene was set up, the way it was presented, and the extent of impact on the person who receives the Quran.
Second: the extent of conversational impact of wise man Luqman which he delivered while admonishing his son
Keywords: Luqman, influence, discourse, preaching, persuasion
First: the psychological and emotional aspect
Second: the intellectual and persuasive aspect
This is done through scenes of admonition from the wise man Luqman to his son.
This research also deals with the conversational scene from two sides.
First: the method in which the admonition scene was set up, the way it was presented, and the extent of impact on the person who receives the Quran.
Second: the extent of conversational impact of wise man Luqman which he delivered while admonishing his son
Keywords: Luqman, influence, discourse, preaching, persuasion
الکاف الجارة وأثرها في السیاق القرآني
أحمد بن محمد الفارسي
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یعد النحو العربی مصدرا لفھم النص القرآنی الکریم، وقد ھدفت ھذه الدراسة إلى معرفة معانی حرف الجر (الکاف) فی النص القرآنی العظیم (سورة البقرة) وکیفیة استعمالاته وتطبیقاته، فدراسة ھذا الحرف دراسة نحویة تُعین الدارسین على فھم سیاق القرآن الکریم (سورة البقرة)، واتبعت الدراسة المنھج الإحصائی الدلالی، فقد اعتمدت الدراسة على جمع المادة العلمیة المتعلقة بمعانی حرف الجر (الکاف) من أمّات المصادر والمراجع، ثم تطبیق ھذا الحرف ومعانیه فی سورة البقرة، ثم تحلیل الظاھرة النحویة وتفسیرها فی ضوء آی الذکر الحکیم، وبیان آراء النحاة من القدامى والمحدثین فیما یتعلق بمعانی حرف الجر، وقد حاولت الدراسة جمع الآراء والموازنة بینھا، ثم الشرح والترجیح ما استطاعت الدراسة إلى ذلک سبیلاً، إذ بنیت الدراسة على مقدمة وفصلین وخاتمة.الكلمات المفتاحية: السیاق القرآنی، حرف الجر (الکاف).
Arabic Grammar is one of the most important resources for understanding the Holy Quran Script. This study aims to elorate the use of the letter "Kāf" in the Holy Book in Surat Al Baqarah, specifically, and how it was used and included in its texts. Then study this letter grammatically that helps to understand and clarify the meanings of Holy Quran’s chapter al-Baqarah. The study follows the descriptive and analytical methods. Therefore, the study strives to collect the data related to the meaning of the letter Kāf from the main sources and then applies this letter within that scope. Then it analyzes and clarifies the grammatical spots in light the Quranic verses with the considerations that other earlier grammarian and the modern too hold in the meaning of the letter Kāf. The study tries to collect the views and the opinions and then expresses the possible view. The study contains introduction, two sections and a conclusion
Keywords: Qur'anic context, the letter "Kāf
Keywords: Qur'anic context, the letter "Kāf
النّتَاج المعجمي في التراث العُماني من القرن العاشر إلى القرن الثالث عشر الهجریین
د. حمد بن محمد الرُّ مْحِي
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یسعى هذا البحث إلى حَصْر النتاج المعجمی العُمانی وتحلیله فی الحقبة الزمنیة الممتدة من القرن العاشر إلى نهایة القرن الثالث عشر الهجریین، إذ تروم الدراسة من وراء ذلک إلى الإجابة عن الأسئلة الآتیة:1. ما الآثار المعجمیّة العُمانیّة فی المدة من القرن العاشر الهجری إلى نهایة القرن الثالث عشر الهجری؟
2. ما أشکال التصنیف المعجمی العُمانیّ فی هذه الحقبة الزمنیة؟ وما أنواع المعاجم التی ظهرت فیها؟
3. ما مضمون تلک الآثار المعجمیة مادة وترتیبا ومعالجة؟
وانطلاقًا من هذه الأسئلة تقسِّم الدراسة ذلک النتاج المعجمی فی أشکال تصنیفه إلى معاجم مستقلّة، وإلى رسائل لغویة أو فصول معجمیة، ثم تتناول کُلّ نتاج منها بتحلیل مادته؛ لاستیضاح نوعه إن کان من معاجم الألفاظ أو المعانی، وموضوعه، ومنهج ترتیبه، ونمط معالجة مادته، وأبرز ما یتصل به کمصادره وتأثّره المنهجی بمن سبقه.
وترجع أهمیة هذه الدراسة إلى أنَّ هذه الحقبة الزمنیة لم تُفرد لها دراسة من قبل -حسب عِلْم الباحث- تحصر نتاجها المعجمی مع دراسة مادتها المعجمیة.
وخرجت الدراسة بنتائج، أهمها: التنوّع فی النتاج المعجمی العُمانی فی الحقبة المدروسة بین معاجم الألفاظ ومعاجم المعانی، وفی موضوع مادتها بین المعجم اللغوی والطّبی والفقهی، وفی تصنیف لغتها بین معاجم أحادیّة اللغة ومعاجم ثنائیّة اللغة، کما تُعدّ هذه المعاجم رافدًا لغویًّا وحضاریًّا للباحثین لرصد ألفاظ فی البیئة العُمانیّة ذات دلالة لغویة أو مفهوم اصطلاحی فی الحقبة الزمنیة المدروسة.
الكلمات المفتاحية: معجم – تراث عمانی – القرن العاشر الهجری – القرن الثالث عشر الهجری.
This research seeks to survey and analyze whole Omani lexical productions from the 10th to the 13th century Hijri, with the aim to answer the following questions:
1. What are the Omani lexical remnants from the 10th to the 13th century Hijri?
2. What are the Omani lexicography methods and types of dictionaries that appeared during this time period?
3. What is the content of these lexical remnants in terms of subject, compilation and processing?
Building on these questions, the study divides these lexical productions by lexigraphy methods into independent dictionaries and linguistic messages or lexical chapters. It proceeds to focus on each lexical production and analyzes its content in order to identify its type, whether descriptive or prescriptive, as well as its subject, compilation method, content processing pattern and the main relevant elements, such as its references and methodological sources of influence.
This study is particularly important considering that no separate study - as far as the researcher is aware - has exclusively addressed this time period, surveyed its lexical productions and examined its lexical material.
The study produced numerous findings, mainly on the diversity of Omani lexical production in the said time period in form of both monolingual and bilingual descriptive and prescriptive dictionaries, as well as the diversity in subjects that ranged from linguistics and medical terms to Islamic jurisprudence. These productions are valuable linguistic and cultural assets that help to track Omani terminology and semantics through that time period
Keywords: Dictionary - Heritage - Oman - Tenth Century - Thirteenth Century
1. What are the Omani lexical remnants from the 10th to the 13th century Hijri?
2. What are the Omani lexicography methods and types of dictionaries that appeared during this time period?
3. What is the content of these lexical remnants in terms of subject, compilation and processing?
Building on these questions, the study divides these lexical productions by lexigraphy methods into independent dictionaries and linguistic messages or lexical chapters. It proceeds to focus on each lexical production and analyzes its content in order to identify its type, whether descriptive or prescriptive, as well as its subject, compilation method, content processing pattern and the main relevant elements, such as its references and methodological sources of influence.
This study is particularly important considering that no separate study - as far as the researcher is aware - has exclusively addressed this time period, surveyed its lexical productions and examined its lexical material.
The study produced numerous findings, mainly on the diversity of Omani lexical production in the said time period in form of both monolingual and bilingual descriptive and prescriptive dictionaries, as well as the diversity in subjects that ranged from linguistics and medical terms to Islamic jurisprudence. These productions are valuable linguistic and cultural assets that help to track Omani terminology and semantics through that time period
Keywords: Dictionary - Heritage - Oman - Tenth Century - Thirteenth Century
جدل الشکل والتجارب الدینیة في النص الشعري المرکب الحدیث
أ.د. فليح مضحي السامرائي
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ترتبط اللغة بالدین بروابط وشیجة لا یمکن لهما الانفصام ولا التجزئة على اعتبار أن اللغة یمکن من طریقها فهم الدین بکافة أحکامه الفهم الصحیح؛ کونها لغة القرآن ولغة الأحادیث النبویة الشریفة وهنا تکمن قدسیتها وأهمیتها، والترابط بین اللغة والدین وشیجا باعتبار أن کلیهما من الظواهر الاجتماعیة التی لا غموض بها، بل واضحة، وبین المصطلحین ترابط وتداخل، مع العلم أن بعض المصطلحات الدینیة قد تأخذ أبعادا فی المعنى أکثر من الظاهر العام للمصطلح فی اللغة بحسب قوة المفردة والإیحاء والخیال الأدبی واللغوی المستعمل.ویجد المتلقی أن ظواهر دینیة کثیرة، کالوجود أو التصوف، لا علاقة لهما بالشکل أو النصیة على اعتبار أن الوجودیة والتصوف من نماذج الفکر الدینی التی کثرت فیها إشکالیة المعنى وغموض تجلیاته، واستخدم المتصوفة والوجودیون اللغة رکیزة فی التعبیر عن تجربتهم الروحیة مثل "الخلود" "الفناء" "الهم النضالی الأزلی" "أرواح العشاق والمتصوفة والشعراء".
وهذا البحث سیعالج فی محاور عدة هذه الظواهر تباعا، وکیف عالجها وتناولها الشعراء فی قصائدهم، وهم، الشاعر عبدالوهاب البیاتی فی دراسة عن (جدل الشکل والتجربة الصوفیة) متناولین قصیدة متمیزة من قصائده، ثم تجربة الشاعر حسب الشیخ جعفر فی قصیدة (الدخان) بوصفها کذلک قصیدة تقودها التجربة الشعریة إلى تجربة نصیة، وسیکون عنوان المبحث (الشکل والتجربة النصیة) على النحو الذی یظهر القیمة الحقیقیة للشکل وعلاقته الوثیقة بالتجربة الشعریة فی سیاق حضور الذات الشاعرة التی تجیب عن أسئلة الشعریة فی ضوء العلاقة الوثیقة بین التشکیل والتجربة، التشکیل ببعده الفنی والجمالی والتجربة ببعدها الثقافی الإنسانی. التجربة الثالثة هی تجربة الشاعر محمود درویش فی موضوعة (جدل الشکل والتجربة الوجودیة)، التی تمثل إشکالیة لدى المؤلف والمتلقی معاً، وسیسلک الباحث المنهج الاستقرائی فی تتبع المصطلحات المعبرة عن الشکل والتجربة الصوفیة والنصیة والوجودیة عند الشعراء الثلاثة. وکذلک یمکن الاستعانة بالمنهج التحلیلی فی دراسة الشکل ودلالات التجارب الثلاثة، لغویاً وخیالیاً وفنیاً وشکلیاً وسیمیائیاً. ویمکن أن نخرج بنتائج مهمة، أبرزها: أن اللغة والدین لهما قابلیة للنمو والتطور والتجدید، وکذلک یمکن التوصل إلى أن الأفکار الدینیة القدیمة قائمة وظاهرة أیضا فی الشعر الحدیث، ویتبع ذلک الآراء نفسها فی المسألة، غیر أن التعبیر والمصطلح یختلف.
الكلمات المفتاحية: جدل الشکل، التجارب الدینیة،النص الشعری المرکب.
Language and religion are linked by close ties that can neither be separated nor divided owing to the fact that the religion along its rulings can be understandable properly through the language as it is the language of the holy Qur’an and the language of the noble Prophetic hadiths wherein lies its sanctity and significance. Furthermore, the interrelationship between language and religion is tight, considering that both are social phenomena that are unambiguous and succinct in addition to interdependence and interlace between the two terms, knowing that some religious terms may take wider dimensions in meaning than the common lexical meaning of the term in the everyday language, according to the strength of the term, its suggestion, literary and linguistic imagination employed.
The addressee finds that many religious phenomena such as existence or mysticism have no relationship to the form or text, given that intimacy and mysticism are models of religious thought in which the problematic of meaning and the ambiguity of its manifestations abound. Sufis and existentialists utilize language as a pillar in expressing their spiritual experiences, such as “immortality”, “mortality”, “eternal struggle concern”, “spirits of lovers, Sufis, and poets”. This research deals with several axes of these phenomena respectively, exhibiting how poets handled them in their poems as follows: the experience of the poet Mahmoud Darwish - through a topic: The dialectic of Form and Existential Experience - as well as the experience of the poet Abdul Wahhab al-Bayati in a study – titled: The Dialectic of Form and the Sufi Experience) - approaching one of his outstanding poems. Third poet is Sheikh Jaafar - in his poem Smoke - as its poetic experience leads to a textual experience. The title of the topic will be (Form and Textual Experience) in a way that exposes the true value of the form and its close relationship to the poetic experience in the context of the presence of the poetic ego that answers the poetical questions in the light of the close relationship between formation and trial, the formation with its artistic and aesthetic orientation and the trial with its humanistic and cultural one.
The researcher follows the inductive approach in tracing the terms expressing the form and the existential, mystical and textual experience of the three poets. The analytical method can also be used to study the form and the three experiences’ connotations, linguistically, fictionally, artistically, formally and semiotically. It could be concluded with some results, like: that both language and religion are capable of growth, evolution, and modernization. It can also be concluded that ancient religious concepts exist and are visible in modern poetry and that the same opinions are still followed except that the expression and term vary.
Keywords: dialectic of form and trial, Sufism, textualism, existentialism and complex poetic text.
The addressee finds that many religious phenomena such as existence or mysticism have no relationship to the form or text, given that intimacy and mysticism are models of religious thought in which the problematic of meaning and the ambiguity of its manifestations abound. Sufis and existentialists utilize language as a pillar in expressing their spiritual experiences, such as “immortality”, “mortality”, “eternal struggle concern”, “spirits of lovers, Sufis, and poets”. This research deals with several axes of these phenomena respectively, exhibiting how poets handled them in their poems as follows: the experience of the poet Mahmoud Darwish - through a topic: The dialectic of Form and Existential Experience - as well as the experience of the poet Abdul Wahhab al-Bayati in a study – titled: The Dialectic of Form and the Sufi Experience) - approaching one of his outstanding poems. Third poet is Sheikh Jaafar - in his poem Smoke - as its poetic experience leads to a textual experience. The title of the topic will be (Form and Textual Experience) in a way that exposes the true value of the form and its close relationship to the poetic experience in the context of the presence of the poetic ego that answers the poetical questions in the light of the close relationship between formation and trial, the formation with its artistic and aesthetic orientation and the trial with its humanistic and cultural one.
The researcher follows the inductive approach in tracing the terms expressing the form and the existential, mystical and textual experience of the three poets. The analytical method can also be used to study the form and the three experiences’ connotations, linguistically, fictionally, artistically, formally and semiotically. It could be concluded with some results, like: that both language and religion are capable of growth, evolution, and modernization. It can also be concluded that ancient religious concepts exist and are visible in modern poetry and that the same opinions are still followed except that the expression and term vary.
Keywords: dialectic of form and trial, Sufism, textualism, existentialism and complex poetic text.
صورة الأنا في مخیلة المؤرخ العماني لتاریخ شرق إفریقیة
د. محمود بن يحيى الكندي
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سعینا فی هذا البحث إلى تلمّس صورة الأنا فی مخیّلة المؤرّخ العمانی وهو یدوّن تاریخ شرق إفریقیة، وقد وقع الاختیار على کتاب جهینة الأخبار فی تاریخ زنجبار؛ إذ یعد من خیر ما یمثّل الخطاب التأریخیّ العمانیّ فی شرق إفریقیة، واقتفینا مناهج تحلیل الخطاب فی إدراک موضوع البحث فی هذه المدوّنة.ظهر جلیّا وجود صورة محدّدة المعالم والأبعاد للأنا فی کتاب جهینة الأخبار، فکانت الأنا متجلّیة فی دوائر متداخلة ومتمایزة فی الوقت ذاته من أبسط دوائرها (الأنا/ الذات الساردة) مرورا بـ(الأنا العمانی الإباضی) وانتهاء بـ(الأنا العربی) فی صورتها الکلیّة. ویرى البحث أنّ المغیریّ لم یکتف برصد صورة الأنا، بل أضاف إلى خطابه بعدا نقدیّا، ولعلّ ما قدّمه من نقد للذات فی أبعاده العمیقه مفید جدّا فی إضافة بعد مهمّ من أبعاد الأنا تسهم فی تقییم الوجود العمانی فی شرق إفریقیة.
الكلمات المفتاحية: جدلیّة / الخطاب / الآخر / الأنا.
Omanis presence in East Africa was accompanied by cultural and civil existence that had different dimensions. The literary discourse stands out as one of the phenomena that deserve to be studied in a systematic manner to produce an understanding of this civil contribution that had clearly recognizable benefits and advantages in that geographical area.
This study investigates the image of the ego in the imagination of Omani Historians while they compile East African history. We chose the book Juhainat al-Akhbar because it represents the most comprehensive source for such a study.
The study examines the historical discourse in this book based on the analytical methodology. Regardless of the facts narrated in the book, the study highlights the appearance of the ego in this historical work.
The writer has not only highlighted the ego in his book, but added to it an analytic dimension as well, the most respectable addition he included is his critique of the ego, giving very valuable information to those attempting to evaluate that era in history.
He presented the combined ego of the Arab, the Omani, the Ibādi and the African in the way it was perceived and recognized in that culture. The writer presented a unique blend between all of these ethnic and intellectual roots producing a valuable document for study those times.
This paper goes deep in the literary packages and expressions but aims at illuminating how far a linguistic product can reflect a civilized community
Keywords: dialectic, discourse, other, ego
This study investigates the image of the ego in the imagination of Omani Historians while they compile East African history. We chose the book Juhainat al-Akhbar because it represents the most comprehensive source for such a study.
The study examines the historical discourse in this book based on the analytical methodology. Regardless of the facts narrated in the book, the study highlights the appearance of the ego in this historical work.
The writer has not only highlighted the ego in his book, but added to it an analytic dimension as well, the most respectable addition he included is his critique of the ego, giving very valuable information to those attempting to evaluate that era in history.
He presented the combined ego of the Arab, the Omani, the Ibādi and the African in the way it was perceived and recognized in that culture. The writer presented a unique blend between all of these ethnic and intellectual roots producing a valuable document for study those times.
This paper goes deep in the literary packages and expressions but aims at illuminating how far a linguistic product can reflect a civilized community
Keywords: dialectic, discourse, other, ego
قراءةٌ في حَدّ الکلمة في (تسهیل الفوائد) لابنِ مالک (ت672هـ)
فهد بن خميس العبري
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یدرس هذا البحث الکلمة فی کتاب (تسهیل الفوائد) لابن مالک، ذاکرًا أقوال النحویین واختلافهم فیما یتعلق بما ورد فی حدّ الکلمة من کونها لفظًا أو قولًا، أو ما یتعلق بشروطها؛ کشرط الاستقلال، ملاحِظًا فی ذلک أثر المنطق فی بعض مسائل النحو، مبینًا بجلاء من وافق ابن مالک ومن خالفه من النحویین.وبما أن للتسهیل شروحًا، فمن المهم العروج على ما قاله النحویون ممن شرحوا التسهیل، ولو بعضهم؛ لذا اعتنى البحث ببیان رأی بعض الشراح کأبی حیان (ت745هـ)، وغیره مما ستجده منثورا داخل البحث.
الكلمات المفتاحية: حدّ الکلمة، تسهیل الفوائد، ابن مالک، اللفظ، القول، شروح التسهیل، المنطق، الاستقلال.
This research studies the word in the book named “Facilitating Benefits” by Ibn Malik, mentioning the statements of grammarians and their differences regarding what was mentioned in the limitations of a word as a word or as a saying, or related to its conditions; as a condition of independence, noting in this the impact of logic in some grammatical issues, clearly indicating those who agreed with Ibn Malik and those who disagreed with him.
Since the facilitation has explanations, it is important to refer to what the grammarians who explained the facilitation, even some of them, said; Therefore, the research was concerned with stating the opinions of some commentators such as Abu Hayyan (d. 745 AH), and others which the readers will find spread within the research.
Keywords: The word limit, the facilitation of benefits, Ibn Malik, the pronunciation, the saying, the explanations of the facilitation, the logic, the independence
Since the facilitation has explanations, it is important to refer to what the grammarians who explained the facilitation, even some of them, said; Therefore, the research was concerned with stating the opinions of some commentators such as Abu Hayyan (d. 745 AH), and others which the readers will find spread within the research.
Keywords: The word limit, the facilitation of benefits, Ibn Malik, the pronunciation, the saying, the explanations of the facilitation, the logic, the independence
قائمة رسائل الماجستیر في جامعة نزوى
مجلة الخليل للدراسات اللغوية والأدبية - العدد الحادي عشر
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